داستان آبیدیک

cold shoulder

kold ʃoldəɹ


1 عمومی:: بی‌ اعتنایی‌ كردن‌ به‌، خونسرد

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: Deliberate coldness or disregard, a slight or snub. For example, When I said hello to her in the library, she gave me the cold shoulder and walked away. This term, which first appeared in writings by Sir Walter Scott and others, supposedly alludes to the custom of welcoming a desired guest with a meal of roasted meat, but serving only a cold shoulder of beef or lamb?? a far inferior dishto those who outstayed their welcome. [Early 1800s]

American Heritage Idioms

2 general:: Phrase(s): cold-shoulder to ignore someone; to give someone a cool reception. (See also the cold shoulder.) • The hostess cold-shouldered me, so I spilt my appetizers in the swimming pool. • Tiffany cold-shouldered the guy who was trying to flirt with her., Phrase(s): *the cold shoulder Fig. an attitude of rejection. (*Typically: get ~; give someone ~.) • If you greet her at a party, you’ll just get the cold shoulder. • I thought that Sally and I were friends, but lately I’ve been getting the cold shoulder.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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